You're going to be hearing a lot from Webreality about content marketing in coming months. Why? Because things have reached a stage in the world of digital marketing where you can't afford to ignore content marketing (also known as "inbound marketing") if you rely to any extent on web traffic for the health of your business.
In this blog post we share five great articles we've read on content marketing in recent months.
There are some common themes relating to Google, search engine optimisation ("SEO") and the need to take a broader view of traffic sources than just search.
Tomorrow, we'll publish some commentary on how SEO has changed even in the past three months, so that content marketing is now the only way to go.
Meanwhile, read and enjoy these great pieces of content. (Get the point...?)
From eConsultancy:
Could content marketing replace the SEO department?
"Inbound, SEO & content marketing – it’s all just semantics to me."
From Hubspot:
How to Survive Google's Pending Panda Update
"Make sure you're putting a lot more focus around the content you produce and be completely focused on adding value for your audience."
From Huffington Post:
Gaming Google Is No Longer an Option - Search, Social Media and PR Integration is the Key
"Recent changes in the Google search algorithm have made [gaming Google] less useful and as a result seen companies engaging consumers or potential business partners through a holistic, integrated strategy rising to the top."
From PR Daily:
5 clear signs you can’t ignore content marketing
"Sure, the basic concept has been around for years—decades even—but a confluence of things has made [content marketing] a top strategy among PR and marketing folks."
From Search Engine Journal:
The Relationship Between SEO and Inbound Marketing
"People spend a ton of time on the internet, and most of it isn’t on Google."